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The Mexican Problem

A Mexican problem? What problem? I like Mexicans. They are good workers, value their families and distrust government thoroughly and completely. In that respect, they are smarter than many Americans.

Some U.S. workers believe that eliminating Mexican immigration is the solution to their job ills. But Mexican immigrants are taking the low-paying hard-labor jobs that Americans pass up. The higher-paying hard and soft manufacturing jobs were stolen not by immigrants but exported to Asia and India by our big coporations. And design always follow manufacturing, so we have lost the even higher-paying design jobs as well. Some manufacturing, like home and road construction, cannot be exported, but everything else has. This is why our trade balance of payments is so bad, and why China, Japan and a few other foreigners are slowly buying our country. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe, after they own us, they will stop our insane warfare state which has displaced our mercantile state. The warfare state caused the atrophy of the mercantile state. The only manufacturing we excell in today is aircraft (weapons) and bullshit (Hollywood). And we have bought into and believe our own bullshit (propaganda).

When I was a young man, the U.S. was the manufacturing capital of the world. We had an awesome trade surplus. But the military-industrial-governmental complex saw an easier way to riches -- just take other country's resources through military power and covert treachery. We stole other nations' wealth by substituting our inflating dollar for the world monetary standard. We took other nations' wealth by supporting and installing abusive foreign governments who gave us access to their countries' resources at discount prices. We stole other nations' wealth by loaning developing nations massive amounts of unrepayable monies, through the World Bank, and then demanding special access to their resources in settlement of the debt. We stole from our own citizens by robbing, in its entirety, our social security fund. We thought we acquired, but we actually BORROWED, other nations' wealth through our pyramid-scheme T-Bills -- robbing Peter to pay Paul. What can't go on forever, will not. In the not too-distant future, somebody is going to have to pay, and it is going to be you and I.


Sit back and think: what does the military-industrial-governmental complex create? They create bombs, bullshit, enemies, heartache, the maimed, the wounded, stockpiles of arms, co-opted governments -- the antithesis of democracy. In other words, the MIG complex creates liabilities. They surely don't create friends. They surely don't create assets with which we can trade with the rest of the world. They create an aristocracy for themselves. And for you, they create a bullshit cover story.

Think about the hundreds of billions and trillions wasted on the military that could have been spent on higher education, engineering schools, trade schools, transportation and energy infrastructure and scientific research. Instead we spent it on bombs, bullets, bullying the rest of the world and creating liabilities. The next time someone suggests that the Mexicans are wrecking our economy, think about the liars who really wrecked it, for it is surely wrecked.

On June 12, 1901, Karnes County Texas Sheriff "Brack" Morris wrongfully accused tenant farmer Remaldo Cortez of horse theft and shot him in front of his brother Gregorio. Gregorio then shot and killed Morris, commencing what would become the largest manhunt in Texas history. Cortez made it into Gonzales county where he outfought a posse and killed their leader. He continued to elude the Texas Rangers and a special train of fresh horses and deputies for ten days until he was given up by an acquaintance. At one point he walked 100 miles. Gregorio Cortez became a folk hero amongst the border Mexicans for standing up to the overwhelming force of the gringos. In this photo he sits in the middle front row, a trophy for his captors, and an enduring legend for the Texas/Mexico border.

For a more bizarre and eerily-symbolic gunfight, see and the page "Powers Cabin" for the little-known but historic watershed 1918 confrontation between the Arizona Powers family and Woodrow Wilson's nascent national security state. Also see "Shoot-Out At Dawn" by Tom Powers.

